The May 2013 issue of Pediatrics DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-3345 presented the article “Pacifier Cleaning Practices and Risk of Allergy Development” by Hesselmar et al. The study observed the outcomes of mothers using their mouths to clean their infant's pacifier, thereby exposing them to their saliva prior to six months. Their goal was to measure for immunological benefit of the habit: clinical allergy and sensitization to airborne and food allergens at 18 and 36 months of age and, in addition, on occurrence of symptoms against asthma. This was a prospective, case-controlled study. They found that the exposed infants in the habit/exposure cohort did demonstrate a health benefit compared to the infants who were not exposed by the habit.
Online oral health education tools: Part 1, Opportunity
Online oral health education tools: Part 2, Why should we care?
Studies have established that common child-care habits (e.g., licking pacifiers, licking their finger to clean around the child’s mouth, sharing feeding utensils) do pass harmful bacteria from caregivers to their very young children.
The fact is that these habits do happen and will continue in the real world. The important observation is that a caregiver can limit the passing of their harmful (caries causative) germs by having a “Good Home Oral Health Practice”: brushing their teeth several times daily and especially before bedtime, limiting harmful diet habits and drinking water several times daily especially after meals. Additionally, having completed dental care (i.e., no unfilled cavities and good gingival health) also limits the passing of harmful bacteria for mouth problems to their children.
The second concern is the specifics of child-care that will either promote pediatric tooth decay or protect a child’s oral health.