So, your screw-retained restoration framework fits on the model, but how can you ensure it fits in your patient's mouth too? An implant verification jig will guarantee an accurate...
Susan Wingrove, BS, RDH, focuses on the clinical applications of peri-implant diseases and conditions in light of the AAP/EFP's new 2018 classification. This information will ...
Dental implants are changing people’s lives and improving overall health. However, while they are designed to look, feel, and function like natural teeth, implants have anatomical...
Which is the best method for implanting an overdenture? The clip bar or direct attachment method? The subject has been debated for years, and each method has its proponents. Steven...
In this carefully reviewed article, Dr. Scott Froum provides a simple summary of the new classification of periodontal disease and peri-implant disease, as well as a discussion...
With the advent of new technology, teeth that previously were considered hopeless can now be saved through periodontal therapy. However, sometimes an obstacle arises and it's ...