Posted by SRR Editors
Growing use of Botox injections and dermal fillers for both cosmetic and therapeutic purposes is on the rise. Late last summer, Washington state dentists joined the vast majority of dental professionals able to provide Botox and dermal fillers for dental esthetic and therapeutic uses with the proper training. Now, as of April 24, 2014, the State of Tennessee Office of the Attorney General has approved the use of Botox injections, other neurotoxins approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and dermal fillers into a patient’s oral cavity, maxillofacial area, and/or adjacent and associated structures by a general dentist who is properly trained, whether for therapeutic or cosmetic purposes.
Check with your state dental board on a state-by-state basis to find out where your state stands on this issue.
Coding for TMD
5 things dental professionals need to know to choose the right course on facial injectables