10 team tips for the successful implementation of implant dentistry in today's practice
By JoAn Majors
1. Get the technical training you deserve for the confidence it takes to do implant dentistry. Look at the program’s success record; speak to graduates.
2. Have your team trained in the technical aspect of implant dentistry to gain the confidence they need to deliver the goods.
3. Update your training! Make it a team trip or a reward for performance — incentives are good and planning makes it happen.
4. Have the entire team commit to read one article per month at a minimum on implant dentistry to have an understanding of the current debates and opinions. Have each member of the team share a “CliffsNote version” in a team meeting. This magazine is a great place to start … share it with the team!
5. Go to a training course on the soft side of implant dentistry, often referred to as the “people side.” If you don’t want to spend the money to take your team to a program, bring in an experienced and current team training professional and have a customized training seminar designed for your needs. Get out of the office ... rent a board room at a local hotel or your bank.Change your state of mind by changing your location for learning. It is a small investment that pays off big. The only wrong way to do this is to feel “you don’t need it” or not do it at all. (Note: make sure the trainers ask a lot of questions about you and your team; otherwise, you will get a canned presentation.)
6. Be a part of a professional organization that offers regular correspondence and meetings specific to implant dentistry for doctors and team members. For a list of implant organizations, email your request to [email protected].
7. Find an implant system that has strong rep support. Like good insurance, your plan is only as good as your agent, especially in the beginning! Ditto implant supplies. Bob Salvin, Greg Slayton, and the remarkable team at Salvin Dental Specialties are unmatched in delivering service and products to support the implant practice, big or small.
8. Do your research before you purchase. Ask the representative of the new product or service for the names of a few past clients that you can call. Ask the doctor or team representative, “If you could make the same purchase again, what would you change? Would you purchase the same item from the same person?”
9. Build your implant practice as a team; the dentist cannot do this alone. Ask for a commitment; schedule an evaluation of the new ideas as well as the outcome to the bottom line. Expect and inspect!
10. Have an accountability partner when implementing any new idea. The best way to succeed is to have a partner committed to the success and outcome of the idea. For example, if you are a doctor, take the course with a friend; team members should do the same. Find someone who will be honest about the implementation on their end! In the practice, have someone who will gently remind you of the new commitment and help you stay on track!
JoAn Majors is a registered dental assistant, published author, and professional speaker. In addition to her speaking, she leads team training for the Misch International Implant Institute. For a free copy of “10 Tips for Implementing Implant Dentistry” and more on her seminars and her latest book, “Encourage Mentors: Sixteen Attitude Steps for Building Your Business, Family and Future,” please visit www.joanmajors.com or call (866) 51-CHOICE. “The time is now ... the choice is yours!”