Recently, PennWell dental editors conducted a survey regarding cellphone use by patients in the dental office. Here are the results.
- 88% of dental professionals feel that cellphone use by patients is a distraction.
- 67% say cellphone conversations interrupt dental care one to two times a day; 16% said the interruption occurs three to four times a day.
- 76% said dental patients have asked if they can take a phone call in the middle of a dental procedure.
- 41% of dental offices have an office policy regarding cellphones.
- 28% feel like patients adhere to the policies when they are in place.
- 72% of the offices with policies are just ignored by cellphone folks.
Click here to read a blog about cellphone use in the dental office by Mark Hartley, editor of RDH.
Click here to let us know what cellphone rules and regulations you have implemented in your practice.
Click here to let us know what is the strangest reason/excuse you've heard from a patient about why he or she needs to answer his or her cellphone in your practice.