Today’s dental implant clinicians will learn about the past, present, and future of implant dentistry at The Academy of Osseointegration’s (AO) 2016 Annual Meeting. Speakers from all over the world will present data to promote the development of dental implant technology, as well as clinical and surgical best practices.
The 31st Annual Meeting is set for February 17–20, 2016, in San Diego. You can register to attend at Follow AO on Facebook and Twitter using #AO2016 to stay up-to-date.
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From computer software to stem cell research, growth factors, and other biologic materials available today, implant dentistry is evolving continually. Dr. Moy and the 2016 Annual Meeting Committee designed the 2016 Program for dental implant experts to share new research, information on best practices, and exchange ideas. He encourages clinicians to make time to attend.
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“If they don’t come, clinicians are going to miss very important information they can take back to their office and use immediately, as well as information about where we are headed for the next five years,” Dr. Moy explained. “You can perform status quo, but then you are not providing the best evidence-based treatments for the patients.”
The AO Annual Meeting has always served the following three purposes:
- To offer the chance to learn new procedures, new biomaterials, and new treatment philosophies
- To provide a meeting place to listen to, speak with, and share their ideas with a large number of doctors attending from around the world
- To facilitate the presentation of the clinician’s data by supplying the forums to share the information.
This year the AO is excited to add a hands-on workshop session on Wednesday afternoon, February 17, 2016, the day before the official start of the main program. Several of AO’s corporate sponsors will provide hands-on experiences for those attendees who want to arrive a day early and take advantage of these training sessions. Course descriptions will be provided in the program book due out later this year. Sign up early, as there will be a limited number of participants and the sessions are expected to fill to capacity.
In addition, next year’s annual meeting will also feature more than 50 clinical presentations; an expansive exhibit hall; hundreds of e-posters, as well as oral scientific abstracts and oral clinical research sessions; corporate rorums; lunch-and-learn sessions; a Young Clinicians lecture series; and a TEAM program and laboratory technician program.
The theme of the 31st Annual Meeting is “Globalization of Implant Dentistry: A World Collaboration.” Dr. Moy credits AO’s President Dr. Russell Nishimura for the theme, which speaks to AO’s commitment to facilitating the exchange of scientific and clinical knowledge on a global level.
“AO is reaching out from multiple perspectives, and this is just one of them, to bring everyone to one location and to highlight what’s happening in implant dentistry around the world,” Dr. Moy explained.
Dr. Moy is excited about the whole agenda but, in particular, the Focus Country Symposium: Implant Dentistry in China with Moderators Professor Dehua Li and Professor Feilong Deng.
“With our blinders on, we think that the American techniques lead the world as far as how we perform dental implant procedures. There are 10 speakers from China presenting throughout the main program, allowing us to showcase the methods and procedures that our colleagues in China are performing,” Dr. Moy said.
For more information about the Academy of Osseointegration, visit their website.