The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new recommendations to guide the management and practice of HBV-infected health-care workers and students, including dental professionals. The publication, “Updated CDC Recommendations for the Management of Hepatitis B Virus-Infected Health-Care Providers and Students,” published on July 5 as a Morbidity and Mortality Recommendations and Reports, updates and replaces the 1991 CDC recommendations for preventing transmission of HBV to patients during provision of exposure-prone invasive procedures. Since that time, there has been a noteworthy evolution of issues to consider, including increasing protection with hepatitis B vaccination and advances in the medical management of chronic HBV infection.
The document recommends that chronic HBV infection in itself should not preclude the practice or study of medicine, surgery, dentistry, or allied health professions. The publication contains information on:
• Guidance on management of dental health-care personnel and dental students with chronic hepatitis B infection, including practice assessments and monitoring through laboratory testing.
• Prevention strategies including use of Standard Precautions and work practices to prevent percutaneous injuries.
• List of exposure-prone dental procedures, including major oral and maxillofacial surgery such as fracture reductions.
• Ethical considerations and confidentiality of health-care workers’ HBV status.
• Recommendations for hepatitis B vaccinations and testing for susceptible personnel, previously provided in 2011 by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
The document is available by clicking here.